Bell / Videotron underground cable

Bell / Videotron underground cable

Hi Jon;

We've written a fairly extensive blog on the subjects of easements that you may be interested in here:

Utility easements in residential neighbourhoods are a complex and somewhat messy topic. Technically there should be an easement registered on title for any and every utility asset that traverses you land. The exception to this is assets (pipes, lines, cables, wires) that feed your house directly. 

However, there are thousands of utility assets that traverse properties and that should have easements registered on title, that do not. This is especially so in older neighbourhoods. If you suspect that you have a utility asset on your property and there isn't an easement registered on title for it, then you should contact the utility. It is sometimes possible to negotiate a grant/purchase of the required easement from the homeowner.

Under no circumstances should you remove or damage the asset. This can be seen as taking the law into your own hands and may not be favourable to you.

I hope this helps.

The Protect Your Boundaries Team